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2-Month Ultimate Reset Group Experience

$297 + 30 day nutrition products from our fulfillment company
(starting at $300)

  • Everything in DIY Super Health PLUS
  • During THE ULTIMATE 30 day group reset you receive 8 LIVE coaching calls (2 per week) to support you along the way and ensure you stay committed to your health and to yourself. 

    At the end of the 30 reset, we continue together for a 4-week integration where you will get support from Guest Experts.

  • Exclusive Ultimate Reset Private Pop Up Community that allows your to track and be encouraged by your peers as you transform together during the reset
  • Direct support to your email inbox so you stay excited and accountable

Maintenance & Lux Experiences

Private Online Yearly Membership Community

$888/year or $88/mo

  • Your private initial 30 Day reset support with access to this membership community for 1 year.
  • Monthly 7-day, 9-day or 11-day group reset challenges for continued group support and maintenance.
  • Monthly Live Group Nutrition & Mindset Coaching Call w/Q&A
  • Access to SuperHealth Quarterly Master Classes (ex: Protein Pacing/Macronutrient Education; Body Optimization/Muscle Mass Optimization; Hormone Hack Nutritional Support, Medical Weight Loss Support, etc), Breathwork, Tapping, Mindset
  • Monthly Uploaded Expert Sessions to support your Holistic Success by our expert collaborators: Meditations, Energy Healings, Card Readings, Fitness, Somatic Practice
  • Daily group support, tips, nutrition education, and celebrations in our private Facebook Group.
  • Super Lux Holistic Success Group Retreats
  • Masterclasses & Inspirational Speaking Engagements

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